Day 1 - National gallery, High tea and Wicked
So my first day in London has been awesome!!
The first thing I wanted to do was to go into the National Gallery in London. There all my favorit artists has a their works from Van Gogh, Turner, Monet and Leonardo da vinci.
When I walked up from the tub at Charing cross I felt like a little school girl. The buildings was so grand and beautiful!! Like everywhere you looked was a new monument!! I was in heaven! The first thing I did was to buy a croissant and just sitt on the steps to the gallery and enjoj the sun, listening to musicians and look at street artist. But also just take in that I was here.
Just a warning before anyone goes into the national galley! Dont bring any large bags!I had to check mine in at the station before I was allowed in.
I was amazed when I walked into the gallery! It was so beautiful the rooms and I even saw art that I did study at school. It was an amazing feeling to finally see them in person. I think people would have described me like a fan seeing their favorit musician.
The one I looked most forward to was the work of Van Gogh and his sunflowers. It was more beautiful than in the pictures.
After the Gallery I went to meet up my best friend and went straight to our hostel. It was ok. Not expencive, sleephalls and not that freash. Looks like people can stay there for months when they are in London.
Then from one museum to another we went straight to the British museum. Another breathtaking building! Was like I was in Rom!
At the musem we had high tea or Afternon tea.
Well I can say this I have had better Afternon tea. The deserts I took one small bite of and then I didnt want them. And the sandwiches was a little dry and didnt look the same. The cream for the scones was like butter. The one thing that was good was the wine and the tea. So I wont go back there. It was an experience but no thank you.
In the evening I was finally going to see the musical Wicked. But before that me and my friende ran across most of central london just to find a place that sold powerbanks, and ofcours it was in rush hour! I cant compare that to Stockholm. Stockholms rush hour is nothing compared to London!!!
When we finally got there and took our seets it was a beautiful theather! And the first thing you see on the stage is a big dragon!!!
The musical was amazing and I sang alonhin every song. Couldnt help it! The actors was so good abd their singing was! I'm also happy because the ending was much better than I thought!!
This is what happend the first day! A lot to do and no battery in the phone. Will try to write a couple of times today. But if not you know why.