Day 32 - Birthday surprise
Today i celebrated 2 birthdays. The first one was for Megans mom when we went for breakfast. I had a couple of months ago made her a mugg that is black but if you put coffee or Tea in it pictures will be visible. It was pictures of the family, her roses and the dogs. Im so glad she liked it! I was really nerves what she would think. The place we went to was a spanish place. Was really nice! And on the wall they had written quots about how beautiful you are. Me, Megan and her mom had a lot of fun Reading them!!
After the breakfast me and Megan went to buy candles that you cant blow out. My fault!! Think I have started a tradition! Last time i was in Perth I told Megan about the story when my parents bought candles that you cant blow out without realizing it. I couldnt stop laughting and everyone tried to blow it out Without any luck. That year I came over for my birthday and Megan decided to do it to me again. After that she has done it to almost everyone and this time it was Sally.
We went to pick Sally up and we went straight to get our nails done. This was my second time doing it and the person infront of me started to ask me all of this questions how i wanted it. I just looked at her like a big questionmark! I had no Idea what she was talking about, i just knew what color i wanted.
After that we went back to get ready because we were going to a hightea at the vines who was a country club. Took us a while to get there, around an hour or so.
It was really nice! In total we were 7 people and it was nice to see everyone after our trip.
Then when Sally was going to blow the candles, it was so funny seeing her try to blow them out!!
After the hightea we dropped Sally of before going back for a calm evening at home!