Day 30 - Brisbane and flight back to Perth

We also went to the fake beach they have in Brisbane. Its a pool that they have put sand around. Think its because Brisbane doesnt have a beach.
We also found Charlotte street and the Charlotte café. Couldnt help sitting down for a tea in that café :)
After we met up with an old friend that used to live in Perth but who had moved to Brisbane. Was really fun talking to her and hear what she has been up to. After having lunch and talking she drove us to the airport. As stubborn my friends are megan wanted to give some money for the ride but my other friend wouldnt take it. So when we satt in the car Megan gave me some money from the front of the car without her noticing and I put it in her bag : D really wonder what she will think when she finds it.
Bow we are sitting at Brisbanes airport and waiting. Will come to Perth really late so will probably be tired when we get there. But it will feel good to be back. I have enjoyed this trip, but perth is still my favorite :)