Day 26 - ANZAC and last day in Sydney
Today i went up at 3 am to go to Sydneys dawnservice for ANZACday. Anzacday is the day Australia is celebrating the men and women that served in the first world war. We had to be there one hour before it started. I really wanted to go because Anzac is one of the biggest traditions in Australia. The service was beautiful with bagpipes and pictures on the buildings. There was about 10 000 people there to watch. In the end of the service they started to sing the first vers of the national anthem. Thats the only vers I can because when i went to rotarymeetings 8 years ago they always sang that vers : )
After the service we went straight to bed again and sleept for a couple of more hours. After we saw a little from the parade. It was so many people on the streets! And most of them was in all kinds of uniforms.
Because we were leaving Sydney today we decided to go to a couple of museums close to the train. First one was the museum of contemporary art. Cant say i was impressed : ( i might be an artstudent but this one didnt really work for me.
The other one was a museum about the rocks. It was a really good museum with a lot of facts. They also had a exhibition about Anzac. The had put up stories about some of the men. I almost started to cry when I read about their story. Some of the didnt even get to see their newborn son or daughter.
After the museums we went for a quick walk in Sydneys royal botanic gardens before taking the train to the airport. Sitting by the gate now waiting for a 1 hour flight to Gold coast! Cant wait!!
Looks also like in 2 weeks on the day I will be back in Stockholm! WOW!! I have already been here more than 3 weeks. Time goes quickly!!