Day 23 - Second day in Sydney
Today the weather wasn't that good like yesterday :( started to rain but luckily not that much. We started the day to go to Bondi beach. My first reaction was that i thought it would be bigger. But it was really nice! Big waves, surfers everywhere and ALOT of turists! It wss also really windy but we couldnt leave without going for a swim. The water was really nice but the waves almost knocked me over a couple of times. The problem is that im not that big and the waves was really strong and really high, so i can understand all the lifeguards that was there.
After Bondi we had booked a boatcruise on a 1850 century ship that wss going to take us around the harbour. I was really excited because i was going to clime the mast. And i could see because i got a wristband for it I was the only one doing it. Before we borded the guide started to welcome us and one of the crew members was walking from the ship to mainland. But we got a really big surprise when he lost his footing and fell down between the boat and mainland. I could see it in slowmotion. He was alright but we started to laugh in chock what we just saw. When we got on we got some more info and i got information about the mast clime. Everyone just stared at me like 'are you really going to do that'! When i was climbing i just felt free, like i was on top of the world! It was just me, the ship, the ocean and the view! I could have been there for hours but I had to get down at some point. After a couple of minuts i heard one of the crew telling a passenger that she was from Sweden. When i started to talk to her she started to laugh and scream because she was so happy to meet another swede. She also wanted me to convince the crew that the Swedish traditions that she had told them about wasn't a lie, like the frog dance, different words, pizza and a lot more. She said i made her day.
After we went to Sydney's Chinatown. Was really nice, lots of people, stands and restaurants. We ate at a place with dumplings but i must say they were not that good :(
After we went to darling harbour. A lot of music, people and lights. A place i would go back to!
Looking forward for tomorrow!