Day 12 - Studying and dinner with host family
Today it has been a quiet day with rain, studying and sleeping dogs around me. It was really nice! Just to have one day to take it easy and sleep.
At 5 PM I took the train to Canning Bridge to have dinner with my first hostfamily. I actually had a Flashback because when I lived with them I always ran to the second train because the first train was always late. Happend this time again! And when I got of the first train I knew exactly how to walk and it was 8 years ago I did it. Could see myself walking with my uniform and my big bag over the bridge and watching the dolphins in the river!!
It was so fun to see them! And they havnt changed much. They are so fun to talk to and they asked me how I was and what I was doing and was really Interested! I didnt play the piano and sing with my hostsister this time like we did before. Maybe next time : )
Their dog Bailey was still there aswell and even he who is 15 years old hadnt changed. He still likes to jump on me!!