

Day 10 - Paintball, waitboarding and derby

Everyday is a new adventure! Today for the first time I got to play paintball. I was nerves because I have heard that people think its painfull when they get hit. We got all the gear, the helmet, the paint and the gun. When I had all the gear I got so excited to start. It started good, the first time I got hit I didnt think it was that painfull. But then the other team that they didnt want to be out and for some reason I felt like a target. The first time it happend I got shot in the back and fell over, before I knew it I got 5 hard shots straight in my back. It was so painfull that I got tears in my eyes. The other time I was the last one in my team standing and they started to shot at my head, neck and one got me in my ear, and it was in close range! The thing was the person that was working there was just standing there until I started to scream with pain! I was so angry, why would anyone do that to someone!!
And as stubborn as I am sometimes when my friends asked me if I was fine and wanted to skip the next round I just looked at them and said "No way Im sitting on the sideline!! Lets go shot them!!" Was really determined not to let them win and put me on the sideline!!
But I was really happy doing it. Would Love to do it again, just without idiots!! 
After the paintball I watched one of my friends waitboard! Its like waterskiing but with a board.
When I saw him doing it I really wanted to just take a board and try! Hopefully I will do it before I go home.
And in the evening I went to my first Derby (australian football match). I was really trying to look and see what they did. But all I saw was men chasing a ball. Then it started to rain and thunder. But what was interesting is that all the seats was take, so about 40.555 people was there. And no fights, people clapping and having a good time. Was so nice to see that a game can be without fights : ) But it was fun and I learned a lot and that is something I Love to do! : )
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