First day at Shenton College
One differents between Shenton College and the other schools that I have gone to are at Shenton I had to wear a schooluniform everyday. Before my first day we went to try out and buy the uniform. The uniform had a dark blue skirt, blue or white shirt and a dark blue cardigan. It was really simple and we could wear neckless, have our hair as we wanted. So it was not strict. I really liked wearing it because I felt relived not to choose my clothes for school, worried that they would judge me for my clothes.

Before the first day I got a list of all the subjects and was told to choose a couple of them. It was all from dance math, english, chemistry and so much more. I was so happy to finally choose what I wanted to study. I chose English, drama, music, math, history and art. My choises was based on what I needed to learn for when I got back to Sweden. I had been exepted to a musicschool in Sweden where I was going to study drama, music, dance and more. So I wanted to learn more about these subjects before I got back. I choose english because I really wanted to earn more english, and that course would help me do that. And math I choose because I didnt wanted to forget anything.
My host mom drove me the first day and I was so nervous. I saw all of these people walking around in their uniforms talking. But I was also nerves because I didn't know how they would see me. I was a swedish girl that wasn't that good in english, really shy and what I had noticed was that australians is not that shy!
The headmaster showed me to all of my classes and came to meet me after every class to show me how to get around.
The most memorable of these classes when I walked into math, english and drama.
At the english class I was waiting outside the door and I just said to myself "Walk in"! The teacher hadn't arrived and I was just standing there at the door, holding my books close to myself and looked at my feet. I felt that all my classmates was looking at me, they really must have wondered who I was. But I was just standing there for about 20 seconds because at my left a couple of girls started to wave at me for me to come. They were so happy and they kind of placed me in the middle like I was one of them. I have never felt so welcomed in my life. When the teacher arrived he didn't even notice me and the girls was yelling at him that I was here.
When I came to my math class the headmaster walked me in this time. But I wasn't prepared that when I walked through the door a girl started to yell and scream at a guy in the class and he was just sitting there laughting. I was praying in my mind that I was not going to sit next to her! But ofcourse my wish didn't come true and now I'm really happy for that! That girl became my Best friend and she will always will be!
My first class in drama was really nice! The girl from math was also there so I felt really good that I knew someone. One guy that I had seen in a couple of my other classes said to me "Not you again!". Think he was tired of seing me. But then it was another girl that justt ran up to me and gave me a hug. She said she was so happy to meet me and that she wanted to intruduce herself.
I felt really welcomed and I don't think this would have happend in Sweden. These people are amazing!